Saturday, November 1, 2008

Part 2 Closing arguments against the Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama

Obama's Tax Cut

Obama states he will give a tax cut to 95% of voters out there, but what he doesn't tell you that 40% of those voters ( 55 million of them ) don't pay taxes now. So its not really a tax cut but a an extension of welfare.

Hitting Big Oil with a Win Full Tax credit:
The last time this country experimented with such a tax was the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980. According to a 1990 Congressional Research Service study, the tax depressed the domestic oil industry, increased foreign imports and raised only a tiny fraction of the revenue forecasted. It stunted domestic production of oil by 3% to 6% and created a surge in foreign imports, from 8% to 16%.

So big business or small business is not a friend to obama because his plan for growing America’s economy to say that we need to tax excess profits from any American business that grows fast and does well and then redistribute that money to average American folk is ok to do, but look at where we are at right now today, corporations closing down, big corporations lying off thousands of employees.

Obama wants to increase capital Gains Tax, even President Bill Clinton saw the down side the down side to raising capital Gains he lowered it from 28% to 20% the fact is since 1986 the top 1% has paid 23% in 1986, 33% in 2003 and 40% in 2007. How much more should we spread the wealth? How is Obama to going to stop corporations from passing those taxes to taxpayers in the prices of consumer goods? Think about it.

Then came joe the Plumber

Other Americans relating to Joe the Plumber

Other Americans relating to Joe the Plumber

Bill Clinton and John McCain on the Mortgage Crisis

Obama talking about his teen drug use

Obama: "Small towns cling to guns or religion"

Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag

The evidence against Senator Obama is very strong and I hope once you see the tapes you will reject his Presidential bid.
Get out and Vote………………… this Man is Not Fit To Be President.

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