Friday, October 16, 2009

Nobel Prize not good for Obama Poll

Polling reports

  • 65% say Obama should not have won the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • Overall Obama job approval rating: 49% approve, 45% disapprove.

  • Only 43% say they would vote to reelect President Obama while 48% say they would vote for someone else.

Harry Truman ended WW2 but did not win the peace prize. Gandhi freed India from Britain but he did not win the peace prize. Even Reagan urged the Berlin Wall to come down, again no peace prize. But Obama, Gore and Jimmy Carter have each won?
Making speeches is not enough. Obama would have to do at least one of the following to be deserving of the prize: unify the two Koreas, end military rule in Burma, free Tibet, end military occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, end the genocide in Darfur, among many other potential peaceful measures.
Giving Obama the prize now just a few months into Obama's presidency is irresponsible.

10/15/09, by Proloy Bhatta

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